I want to listen more and give an authentic response
I want to listen more and give an authentic response.

Kanai's First Day Of School
Kanai started school on Sept 5th.
It's been a beautiful experience being a part of Kanai's separation ritual at his new school. His first days are spent with me sitting nearby, reading and writing, and occasionally answering his calls or going near to see how his teachers are working with him or how he's playing with his new friends. It allows both Kanai and me to feel safe separating from each other.

The Power In Shyness
When you find yourself at the edge, and your heart is pumping.
The sound is compressed and won't leave your throat.
I want you to welcome that fear. Let me sing to it.

The Creative Power of Chaos
Chaos is often misunderstood. To many, it conjures images of uncontrollable, tumultuous situations, something to be avoided at all costs. But what if we could see chaos differently? What if chaos could be a gateway to freedom, creativity, and self-discovery?

Inherit The Earth - 15th Gene Key
Seeing something precious in all things. Whether rich or poor. Whether ugly or beautiful. Whether famous or unknown. There is a unified vision that embraces all things.