In the fire, the phoenix sleeps

In the fire, the Phoenix sleeps

Sri Kala | Jan 11th 2024

I want to offer you a hopeful perspective on where we are as a planet right now—something that resonates below the surface. I want to keep supporting the part of you that's tuned in and encourage you to declare your potency.

From the system of Human Design, we learn that we are leaving the Cross of Planning, which began in 1615 and lasted for 412 years. What we are witnessing now—the wars, civil unrest, loss of trust in news channels, lack of faith in national leaders, pandemics, and wildfires—marks the transition from the Cross of Planning into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

Let’s focus on the recent devastation in Los Angeles, where urban fires have consumed homes and neighborhoods.

We see many people upset with the city of Los Angeles and those responsible for planning and ensuring its safety. Fire hydrants ran out of water. Insurance companies foresaw the wildfires and canceled policies weeks before the fires began. The state was not prepared for what seemed inevitable.

While there are many factors to blame, these events are a symptom of the Cross of Planning coming to an end. During this transition, those accustomed to planning on behalf of others are losing their power, especially when their intentions are tainted by self-absorption.

I recently saw a video of a Pacific Palisades resident asking Governor Gavin Newsom, "Why isn’t there any water in the hydrants?" He responded, "If I knew, I would have them all filled. I would put the water in myself!"

Government officials are losing their ability to plan and manage effectively. However benevolent they may seem, this is a natural transition to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.

What images come to mind when we think of a phoenix? A majestic bird of gold rising from raging fire or ashes. This is exactly what’s happening. Out of the fire and destruction caused by the loss of our leaders’ ability to plan, the next age is arriving.

Now, I want to highlight what this next age involves, particularly the work we are doing as beings of creative expression. The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is all about being guided by your inner authority, cross-checking external plans with your own innate guidance system, and letting go of the fear and shock generated by outside narratives. It’s about staying true to your internal narrative and making decisions from there.

This means being authentically our true selves. It means welcoming all parts of who we are into our creative expression. It means putting down fear-based thoughts and relationships to create a clear space where we can discern what is true. This is one of the core missions of Unravel. When we witness someone’s bravery in our circle—singing their depths and leaping to their creative edge—we are reminded of the power of authentic expression.

By visiting our shadows and celebrating our gifts, we become firefighters in a symbolic sense. While we’re not battling literal fires, we honor the element of fire through the pressurized energy of our subtle bodies in ritual. In doing so, we learn to coexist with fire in harmony.

When you acknowledge and move the pressurized energy within you, you become like the animals and you can feel  the pressure in the atmosphere around you. When you can't sense the atmosphere around you, you are left to the mercy of someone else's plans. 

This is what I want to share with you: everything we are witnessing is part of a greater plan. The work you are doing through creative expression has a profound impact on the world around you. When you align with your inner truth and get free, it radiates an energy that inspires others to do the same.

This work doesn’t always involve putting on fire-resistant gear and saving homes. It happens closer to home than you might think. It happens when you take the leap to be with us at Unravel, allowing yourself to be seen in your full expression, sharing your shadows and gifts in a community that can dance with those shadows and celebrate those gifts.


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