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I want to create with you. Creativity is the fire of life, and I want to be alive with you. Let's heal ourselves through our art. Let's celebrate our wins.


Creativity needs space. Clear the room. Declare your commitment.

Concrete Wall

Sacral Relic

My guide is my turn on. My hell yeah. Awakened to life. Moved by the impulse of this sacral center. The mind could never tell the difference.



  • Listen to song

  • Be with sacral connect to the truth of my current experience

  • Character development

  • Write from the Senses

The mind has no idea what the life force wants


I woke up with the sun rising over the rocks. My gut was noisy from processing the previous day's dreams. Brushing the cold from my eyes, I swiftly moved into Qigong stance to lift the energy of my sacral.


As I cleansed stale chi and inhaled fresh new chi, It created space for me to ask myself, am I in my love? Am I aware of my blessings? Am I on my high-flying disc?


I smile from the core of my being. A smile that would continue to bless me throughout the day. This love, this yes to life, need not be taught or forced on anyone. It's for me to choose, for me to remember and activate. Standing in it becomes a blessing for all who come near.


How does my heart and sacral react to the things in my calendar.


Creativity is the fire of life. It lets you know when your sacral Is healthy. It is the act to bring health to the sacral. Creativity needs space. Needs room. Wants your commitment. Wants all of your self to come in. Creativity is the key to unlocking the hidden treasures within hard emotions.

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